Doomed attempt to get to California in 1846. More than just a riveting tale of death, endurance and survival. The Donner Party's nightmarish journey penetrated to the very heart of the American Dream at a crucial phase of the nation's "manifest destiny." Touching some of the most powerful social, economic and political currents of the time, this extraordinary narrative remains one of the most compelling and enduring episodes to come out of the West.

Release Date : Oct 28, 1992

Genres : ,

Production Company :

Production Countries : United States of America

Original Language : English

Casts : David McCullough, J.D. Cannon, Timothy Hutton, Gene Jones, Amy Madigan, Donal McCann, George Plimpton, Paul Roebling, Lois Smith, Frances Sternhagen, Eli Wallach

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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