The whole village mourns when General O'Leary, owner of a hunting estate in South Ireland, is killed in an accident. His nephew, Jasper O'Leary, takes over the state and soon has aroused the displeasure of all, with the exception of Serena McGluskey, as much a schemer as he is a cad. Led by Thady O'Heggarty, the villagers plot to drive Jasper away. They use the occasion of "O'Leary Night", when the ghost of the first O'Leary walks the halls, to create general chaos.

Release Date : Jun 29, 1954

Genres :

Production Company : Mario Zampi Productions

Production Countries : United Kingdom

Original Language : English

Casts : David Niven, Yvonne De Carlo, Barry Fitzgerald, George Cole, Noelle Middleton, Robert Urquhart, Michael Shepley, Joseph Tomelty, A.E. Matthews, Eddie Byrne, Jimmy Mageean

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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